Don's customcountertops home improvement

Types of Cabinetry

At Don’s Custom Countertops, we offer a diverse selection of cabinetry lines to cater to various budgets, designs, and styles. Our goal is to understand your project and match you with the best cabinetry line that suits your design preferences and budget. Explore our cabinetry options below:

Custom Cabinets

  • Ultimate in Personalization and Quality
    • Unlimited Options: Endless door styles and color choices to match any design vision.
    • Premium Finish: High-quality finishes for a luxurious look and feel.
    • Exceptional Quality: Top-tier craftsmanship and materials ensure durability and longevity.
    • Fully Customizable: Tailor every detail to meet your exact specifications.

Factory Line Cabinets

Perfect for Budget-Friendly Projects

  • Base Price-Point: Affordable options without compromising on quality.
  • Limited Selections: Few color and door options available.
  • Standard Sizes: Designed to fit most kitchens with standard dimensions.
  • Face Frame Construction: Traditional construction with a visible frame around the cabinet doors.
  • Quick Turnaround Time: Fast delivery and installation.
  • Example: J&K Cabinetry

Semi-Custom Cabinets


  • Ideal for Personalized Design
    • Variety of Options: Extensive selection of door styles and colors.
    • Customizable Sizes: Tailor the cabinets to fit your specific space requirements.
    • Plenty of Accessories: Enhance functionality with various accessories.
    • Mid-Range Price Point: Balance between affordability and customization.
    • Construction Options: Choose between face-frame or frameless construction.

Face-Frame vs. Frameless Construction

  • Understanding the Difference

    Choosing between face-frame and frameless cabinetry is crucial, as it impacts both the appearance and functionality of your kitchen. Here’s a brief overview:

    • Face-Frame Construction: Features a frame around the front of the cabinet box, providing additional strength and a more traditional look. Doors and drawers attach to this frame.
    • Frameless Construction: Also known as European-style, this construction lacks a front frame, offering a sleek, modern appearance with more accessible storage space.
Updated wooden cabinetry and kitchen in Boulder